Nifty Message Box - MS Access
Message boxes are an excellent way of interacting with your user. In this example I demonstrate how you can coax the user into supplying a name, but if they don't want to, you can just use a default name. There are many other things you can do with message boxes once you get to know their capabilities.
This sample database contains two examples of the "Advanced Message Box" ... One example is in the Form:- “frmNiftySwitchboardBuilder” and is triggered when you press the "Delete Page" button. The other example is in the Form:- "frmCreatePage" and is a slightly different version of the code in that it operates in conjunction with a pop-up Form.
The First Form that opens when you open this Database, the pop-up grey coloured Form has details of how to contact me. That Form also has a link back to my website where you will be able to check for updates to this code.
I will add more information information to the web-page as becomes available. The web-page also has several YouTube Videos relevant to this sample file...
More Details & Stuff on my Website HERE:-